Acupuncture (TCM)

(Traditional Chinese Medecine)


Acupuncture is one of the five branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine along with Pharmacopoeia, TuiNa, Dietetics and QiGong.

Chinese Medicine is based on three essential pillars : Yin and Yang and the theory of the Five Elements (WuXing), the theory of internal organs (Zang Fu) and the theory of the meridians (JingLuo). From these interdependent pillars, other concepts are derived as well as numerous reading grids to understand the mechanism of the disease.

The system of meridians and the communication channels they represent are the main accesses that allow the acupuncturist to act on the body, a function, an organ, a tissue, a substance, etc.

The aim of the treatment is to restore a functional balance, knowing that any imbalance over time will cause dysfunction and disease.

The anamnesis, observation of the tongue, palpation and taking of the pulse will allow to establish a diagnosis and then a decision to be taken on the treatment.

Treatment is carried out with single-use needles.

In practice, the following methods are also used :

  • Moxibustion: the acupuncture point or area is heated with a stick or cone of artemisia.

  • TuiNa, the Chinese medicine massage : the acupuncture point or area of the body is worked on using specific Chinese massage techniques.

  •  Auriculotherapy : stimulation of points in the ear with tiny needles.

  • Cupping : manual suction technique using “cupping” or suction cups to act on superficial meridians, points or joints.

All these methods have different actions and are used in a very precise way.

The field of action of acupuncture is extremely wide and vast, as it takes into account the human being in its entirety. 

Therapeutic massage

Therapeutic massage

Therapeutic massage releases physical tension, relieves pain, calm the nervous system and restores a state of deep calm.

It is performed on different parts of the body following the meridian paths of Chinese medicine. The techniques used are diverse, but the main ones are: sliding pressure, kneading, percussion, shaking, grasping, etc. The rhythm and intensity are adapted according to the area being massaged and the patient.

The benefits of therapeutic massage can be found on various levels :

  1. First of all on the musculo-articular system : muscles, tendons, bones, joints. The massage helps to release tension so that the muscles are more supple and the joints more mobile. By releasing blockages, it promotes the circulation of blood and various liquids, thus reducing a lot of pain. In the practice, the main demand for tension and pain is in the neck, trapezius and back.

  2. Blood and lymphatic circulation : the activation by massage through various techniques stimulates the motor function of the vessels. On the one hand, waste products and toxins are set in motion to be evacuated, and on the other, fluids and nutrients are better distributed.

  3. Through its stimulating action, massage promotes various functions such as circulation, digestion, elimination, nutrition of the skin tissue, etc.

  4. Its general action acts on the nervous system, more precisely on the para-sympathetic system. The latter controls physiological processes in normal times, outside of periods of stress or emergency governed by the sympathetic nervous system. This is why massage reduces stress and anxiety, provides relaxation and calms the body and mind.

  5. Finally, it strengthens the immune system thanks to its action on the nervous system and the various circulations, particularly lymphatic.

    Therapeutic massage is therefore an ally for health and a precious tool for pathologies affecting the various systems mentioned.

    I use oils from organic agriculture, in particular a neutral base oil suitable for children and pregnant women (a mixture of organic sesame, sunflower, apricot kernel and sweet almond oils).

    Some interesting articles:

My path

My path


It was in 2003 that I discovered massage therapy, in the middle of preparing for a federal exam in personnel management. I was very surprised by the benefits of this practice, which allowed me to approach my exams more serenely.

In 2004, I started a training in Therapeutic Massage at Espace Mieux Être.
One of the first to receive massages is an atypical patient, my horse, an English thoroughbred reformed from the races that was given to me to avoid an unhappy end. He quickly metamorphosed, calmed down and became more confident. This unusual practice at the time attracted a few people and I began to massage riders, sometimes also their horses.
( see 4th paragraph before the end).

At that time I was working in the evening and during the weekend.

Curious and eager to learn an additional approach to mobilize energy in a more precise way, I became interested in acupuncture. Convinced by the power of this ancient art, I began training in 2013 at the Institute of Traditional Chinese Energy and Acupuncture and graduated in 2017. This was only the beginning of many other trainings and studies with qualified and certified people from China, Asia and elsewhere.

Passionate about the many discoveries I made during my training and personal endeavors, I opened my practice in January 2016.






Acupuncture (TCM)
ASCA certified (list of approved insurances), APTN (list of approved insurances) and RME certified (list of approved insurances)


Treatment 60 min.
CHF 120.-


Therapeutic Massage
ASCA certified (list of approved insurances) and APTN (list of approved insurances)


Treatment 60 min.
CHF 120.-
Treatment 90 min.
Treatment 30 min. (ex. back massage) CHF 70.-

For the conditions of reimbursement of your treatment, please check directly with your complementary insurance.

The session is payable on site in cash only.

Contact and access



F. Ritter : Acupuncture (TCM) and Therapeutic Massage
Rue de Cornavin 11
1201 Geneva

I work by appointment only.
To make an appointment you can call me, send me an email or use the form :
Phone : 079 307 00 98
Email :
Form : “request an appointment”


In front of Manor !

Stops : Coutance and Goulart at the bottom of the building, or Gare Cornavin 3 min. walk.

The practice is located on the upper ground floor / Entresol (ES), accessible by lift.

Public transport
Tram : 14, 15 et 18
Bus : 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 19, 20, 25, 61, F, G+
Stops: Coutance, Goulart (at the bottom of the building) or
Gare Cornavin (3 min. walk)

Public parking of the Gare de Cornavin
Parking of Manor
Parking of Centre Commercial des Cygnes